Actions financed by :
As part of its action in Nouvelle-Aquitaine, the European Union has mobilized more than €73 million since 2014 to support projects on the theme of digital. B-Boost, is supported by 140 000€ from the European Union, under the Fonds Européen pour le Développement Régional (FEDER) to promote access to the digital economy.
As part of its roadmap launched in October 2020 for a “numérique responsable”, which means environmentally friendly, social, ethical and open, the Region wishes to capitalize on this ecosystem in order to change behaviors, consolidate the regional industry and develop the appropriation of its open solutions. It has launched a call for projects « Logiciels Libres innovants », permanent project that aims to foster the creation of new services based on free software and to free up existing software assets.
La Communauté d’agglomération de La Rochelle has been involved in open data and open source for many years. It is hosting this event because it is in line with the values and territorial strategy « La Rochelle zéro carbone » : ethics, transparency, sovereignty, digital responsible. Open source software is a great tool for resilience and is part of the logic of the Commons.
La Rochelle Technopole is in charge of supporting innovative projects to facilitate their creation and their development. B-Boost's ambition is to accelerate the development of the open source industry in Nouvelle-Aquitaine and has been working for several years in partnership with La Rochelle Technopole in the framework of the « La Banquiz » program, which is a start-ups assistance in the software and open source technologies.